about Us


The name Niema (pronounced Nigh-ee'-ma) means graceful, pleasant and creative, and has its counterparts in Swahili, Arabic, Chinese and Hebrew.

Niema has lived in L.A. county area since 1983, when she relocated from her native Philadelphia. Prolific in the spoken and written word, Niema recited live and recorded her poetry on college underground radio stations WKDU-FM (Drexel University) and WRTI-FM (Temple University) in the Philly area. She also co-hosted the talk show METAMORPHOSIS with Ron Alexander, where they interviewed on the air current politicos and aired issues of the day. Ron Alexander has gone on to publish several books, as well as doing public speaking and book-signing engagements. You can check out his page on Amazon.com here:

→ http://www.amazon.com/Ron-Alexander/e/B00AULLF4E

Check out the other websites of Ron Alexander:

→ www.BuyRonsBook.com

including his new non-profit website,


→ www.TinaFullerFoundation.com

The material she created has been included in her present book, "SILVER RAIN", along with several other excerpts. She is currently working on a follow-up book.

Niema had her own band at the age of 14 and toured locally for several years. She then joined other bands and travelled stateswide and to Canada and the Nova Scotia areas before relocating to Los Angeles. Niema's last band band that she worked with was called PROMISES, a 5-piece ensemble with Rudy Bishop as bass player and band band leader out of her home town of Philly. Below are pictures of Rudy with his new band, BOUNCE. Along with playing bass, Rudy is prolific in singing, song-writing, composing, playing keyboards and also guitar.

You can view Rudy and his band's Facebook profile and his photos and events here:

Check out Rudy's latest YouTube contribution with his band:

Niema wishes the best for Rudy, and his band, BOUNCE, and hopes they can one day soon coordinate in studio for other projects.

Niema continued to pursue her singing career once in LA, including going on tour to Japan with a local band, lent her voice to several album projects, and appeared in music videos. As both Fashion and Music have always been important to Niema, she attended the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (L.A.), and later Brooks College in Long Beach, where she learned the rudiments of design, sketching, and sewing. Through her background in accessory design while back east, she incorporated these teachings into her love for creating 'by hand' various items, as seen on display here at her site.

Image above: Hand-crocheted Tie-Belt adorned with deco-buttons and tassells.

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Among her many loves are: tThe Astro-sciences, writing poetry and short stories, clay sculpture, sketching, oil painting, computer graphics, fashion design, hand- and machine-knitting, hand- weaving, playing piano and keyboards, singing, songwriting and yarn spinning.

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Along with the Astro Newsletter that Niema often writes and circulates, Niema's first book, SILVER RAIN" (duly protected under the U.S. Congress Copyright Law) excerpts will be showcased here on site which is a compilation of of several years' worth of poetry, prose, and short stories that hails back to the times when Niema performed her poetry live in the clubs and museums of Philly, and on live broadcast TV and radio stations.

Silver Rain
I love you
I love you Niema

We are pleased to announce that our Publisher, LifeRich Publishing, has published our book, which is available on their website. Please follow their links for more info, or to purchase a copy:

Also available at the following links:

This is a 1st Edition book; a 2nd Edition will soon be forthcoming. If you would like a signed copy of the book, SILVER RAIN, please place your order below with specifications for either Hard or Soft cover. Both versions will be signed personally by Niema Foxe.



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